KAIST IT융합연구소 공지사항을 알려드립니다.
- Visit of Dr. Ming Zhou(Microsoft Research China)
- 김하림 |
- 2015-05-11 11:22:30|
- 1725
Dr. Ming Zhou(Microsoft Research China) visited KI-ITC as below.
= Below =
- Date: May 6, 2015
- Venue: KI-ITC, KI Building
- Contents
▪ Introduction of KI-ITC
▪ Demonstration on the research achievements of KI-ITC
- 이전
- IT융합연구소 전문가 초청 세미나 개최(차석근 부사장/(주)에이시에스)
- 2015-05-14
- 다음
- Visit of Dean of UCLA School of Dentistry
- 2015-05-11