
우리 IT 산업의 중장기적 경쟁력을 유지, 발전시키고 우리나라의 IT 연구능력을 획기적으로 향상시키기 위하여 노력합니다.


KAIST IT융합연구소 공지사항을 알려드립니다.

  • 제 3회 KI 국제 심포지엄 개최
  • KIITC |
  • 2009-09-02 17:36:16|
  • 43512



- 일자: 2009년 9월 24일(목)

- 장소: 정문술 빌딩 드림홀

10:00 ~ 10:20

Opening Ceremony

Congratulatory Address

Welcoming Speech

Moderator: Prof. Seok Woo Jeon

Nam Pyo Suh (President, KAIST)

Sang Soo Kim

(Vice President for the KAIST Institutes)

10:20 ~ 11:00

1. Color and Appearance Measurement

Prof. Ming Ronnier Luo

(Department of Colour Science, University of Leeds)

11:00 ~ 11:40

2. Colors in Smart Scalable Systems: Structural Color Printing & Particle Generation

Prof. Sunghoon Kwon

(School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University)

11:50 ~ 13:20


Moderator: Prof. Ki-Hun Jeong

13:30 ~ 14:10

3. Color in Public Design

Dr. Hyun-Sun Kim

(Art Director, KimhyunsunDESIGN)

14:10 ~ 14:50

4. Colors in Optical MEMS

Prof. Hiroshi Toshiyoshi

(Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, University of Tokyo)

14:50 ~ 15:30

5. Coloring Proteins for Understanding Their Functions in Living Cells

Prof. Won Do Heo

(Dept. of Biological Sciences, KAIST)

15:30 ~ 15:50

Coffee Break

Moderator: Prof. Seok Woo Jeon

15:50 ~ 16:30

6. Photonic Crystals:

A Powerful Tool to Control Light and Color

Prof. Susumu Noda

(Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University)

16:30 ~ 17:10

7. Color in Communication

Prof. Hyeon-Jeong Suk

(Dept. of Industrial Design, KAIST)

17:10 ~ 17:50

8. Color in Display Industry

Prof. Jae-Pil Kim

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
